Davon and Friends Wiki


Donnie-2 is one of the millions Donnie clones to be activated

Full name Donnie Wright-2
Birthdate ?
Birthplace USA
Height-Weight ?
Race ?
Blood type All
Family/Relatives TEST(Creator) Florence(Creator) Meki(Creator)
Likes Fighting- Talking Trash
Dislikes Donnie Wirght
Hobbies Fighting
Favorite food Ice Cream
Fighting style

Kusanagi style of ancient martial arts + personal style of Chinese boxing \(Kenpo)+ Martial Art rooted in assassination arts (暗殺拳をルーツとした格闘術, ansatsuken o rūtsu toshita kakutō jutsu?) + Wushu + Jeet Kune Do and special forces military training +Nameless assassination style powered by the Surge of Murderous Intent + Martial Art rooted in assassination arts (暗殺拳をルーツとした格闘術, ansatsuken o rūtsu toshita kakutō jutsu?) + Saikyō-Ryū + own fighting style + Assassination Techniques, Special Forces Training (Delta Red)

Florence Bertell Fighters: Junior Year[]

Florence Bertell Fighters: Senior Year[]
